Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ryan's follow up

All is good! That is all I have heard so far, not that we expected anything different. The follow up was with the transplant doctors. He is healing as expected.


Anonymous said...

That is the best news I've heard all day!!


Anonymous said...

Neal. good to hear you had a good laugh. Michele, sorry you and mailboxes don't get along!!
Michele, thanks for the record keeping forms. Each person I ask has responded. From $3.00 to $30.00It all adds up!
I am anxious to have Neal get a good report following his checkup. Very happy about Ryan's!!
Love, Kathy and Harry

Anonymous said...

Hi Neal - the last time I tried to send you a note on here I lost my message before I could send I'm giving it another shot. This is Ryan's aunt Sandy from Warren OH. I've been praying for you and Ryan to both have a successful and speedy recovery. I'm so proud of both of you, especially for the love and friendship you have for each other. We'll need to plan a celebration once the weather breaks. Welcome to the family!!
Love - Sandy