Tuesday, May 29, 2007

No drain

I guess they decided not to put a drain in. Apparently the area is too small. The doctors are going to treat him with antibiotics. I am not a doctor, but from everything I have read, antiobiotics do not cure this. I will do a little more research and see what I find. A doctor is SUPPOSED to be calling me to discuss all of this. If that actually does happen I will post another update.



KT said...

Hang in there guys.....been thinking about y'all. I will stop by sometime today. If you need some one to get the dogs, or anything else, let me know.


Unknown said...

still stalking....this blog is addicting! no seriously i find that this blog has made it much easier to keep updated with what is going on with neal's health and the emotional journey that you guys are on.

to those of you reading besides michele and neal:
i am a friend of michele's that grew up on the same street and therefore have been friends with her for a very long time (not going to tell you how long because that might give you a clue as to how old we are). unfortunately i do not live very close and therefore many of you may have no clue who i am and wanted to introduce myself. Thanks to everyone who has been helping michele and neal both physically (yard work, dog sitting...) and emotionally. it is great to know that there are so many people that love and support them.

UJ said...

Just want you to know that I offered Mass for Neal this morning(Tuesday th 29th). Thanks for sending the blog info. It's a great way to keep advised of the situation. Take care, from what I have read, you are doing a great job.
Take care,

Love & Prayers,

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the post. We really appreciate it. It is great to hear from you and I hope to see you soon.
