Monday, August 6, 2007

Quick Update

Nothing much to report. Neal is getting around fine and will begin driving today. We are trying to eat healthier. So far, so good. I am really proud of how Neal is handling everything. He has been through a lot, but is continuing to try to look ahead and make life better. His weight is at 195. We got out of the house a couple of times over the weekend.


Unknown said...

sounds like things are coming along great. i am glad to hear that you guys were able to get out a bit this weekend and that neal's recovery is going along well.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going so well. Good thing one of your trip wasn't to my house last night. Neal would have melted!


Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to seeing you both,on the 17th, it sounds like you are doing really,D.and G.

Burl Keith Scott said...

Michelle & Neal,

Congratulations on Neal's recovery!


Anonymous said...

get better got it

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are doing good. Take a walk after 8pm, too hot during the day. I still hate cumulative summaries, but now Vicky is helping me. hee hee, don't you hate when someone gets help with something you used to do by yourself? Maybe it will all be fixed when you come back. My Dad was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. They put stents in his arteries, and he is doing great. He can walk now without chest pains. Zach and I hit another race and going to Myrtle Beach next week. Miss You take care Cindy

Anonymous said...

I'm extremly glad to hear that things are going good. Michelle we miss you.

Anonymous said...

You looked great today bud. I can't even call you tank anymore! ha


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that nothing has changed since I've been gone. Continued recovery, check. Health, check. What more could we hope for?

Missing you both from the Sunshine State,

Anonymous said...

glad your feeling a little better hope to see you two in cleveland sometime this year go browns( boo quinn) M.MAC