Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not too much to report today. The blood cultures show no infection, which is wonderful news. Neal is still pretty loopy. He is starting to laugh in his sleep if any of you remember that stage. At least he is happy! If you do not get him sitting or standing, he pretty much falls asleep within seconds of speaking. I encourage any visitors to get him up and walking. He is not opposed to it, just needs to stay awake long enough to actually stand up, then he is good to go. He did pass gas yesterday, but still has not eaten. He should talk to the docs about it today. He is getting a medicine because his heart rate will not slow down. This is causing his blood pressure to be low.

Denise, Austin and his friend Bradley finished staining the deck yesterday. Thank you!!!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Neal!


Anonymous said...

Good to talk with you Neal!!
I'll call you when you get home.
We'll do a few laps around the block! Glad to hear that the surgery went well. As soon as you recover we'll have to set up a card game.


Anonymous said...

Hey Neal! I am really glad to hear surgery went well and that you are recovering quickly! It's great that you are up and moving around so quickly after a big surgery! Keep it up!
-Jen in IL

Anonymous said...

Hi Neal, I just go updated today. Sorry I lost the address for awhile. No excuse on my part. I think about you several times a day and always says a prayer. Zach and I are heading out to Indianpolis this weekend for the Brickyard 400 race. Take care and call me if you are bored or need anything. Cindy