Monday, May 28, 2007

Not much to tell/ Michele's emotional rant

I saw Neal at the hospital today. He was tired and had a headache. He did eat some food though. It sounds as though they are putting a drain in him tomorrow and possibly an external bag to collect the fluid. I am guessing he will be in all week. I could not get ahold of any doctors since it is a holiday. I will call the nurse who is always very friendly first thing in the morning to try to get more specifics. He is in room 924 Rhodes for any visitors.

I was pretty emotional tonight. I am trying to stay strong for Neal, but sometimes it is hard. I keep asking why is ALL of this happening to a kind hearted 30 year old man??? Sorry honey, but I had to mention your age. Everyone knows Neal is such a wonderful person. He did nothing to deserve this. We used to always say when it rains it pours, but when is it going to stop pouring? We never know what we are going to get day to day or hour to hour. I think if I had kept better notes (which I have started doing) he has only had a handful of good days in the last 2 months and has been in the hospital 30 days the last 2 months. I have probably made 40 trips to and from the hospital. I mean come on dialysis, blood clot, fluid around lung, diverticulitis, pneumonia, abscess....... GIVE US A BREAK! Regardless I told my mom tonight I need to go to the batting cages or driving range to get some of my anger/frustration out. Sorry for writing a book. What gets us through??? Two great friends who have offered us an amazing gift, another life...... and that helps us to get through each day.

We appreciate all of your comments. Please keep them coming, it helps. It is amazing how quickly the blog distributes amongst both new and old friends. We have an amazing support system.


Anonymous said...

Are you on the blog? It is easier to me to type than text messsage. Do you want me to come up and sit with you, bring dinner, ???


Anonymous said...

I am at home. I will be going to bed in about an hour. I am exhausted.

Anonymous said...

By the way the time on this thing is a real pain.

Unknown said...

Man, sorry to hear about your weekend bud. Amy and I just got home from out of town. We are thinking about you every day and shared your updates with my family who sends their best as well for a quick and speedy recovery this month! We're all hoping these side issues can pass so you can get what you so desparately need. Michele is one in a million and you are lucky to have such a caring wife. Take care and I'll be over to see you this week.


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys. Michele just found me online and sent me here. It sounds like you guys are going through a rough patch on the road. But from what I have read there is an amazing group behind you guys supporting you all the way!!! You 2 are truly the kindest and best couple I have ever known and you will now have my support and help in any way that I can offer. Stay strong - this will be conquered!!!
Chris Weiss

Anonymous said...

michele ,
keep your head up it will get better you also need to do things for youself that will keep your mind off the horrible things happening its great that you help leslie and ryan on the yard work things like that will keep you going tell neal to keep his head up also

love you guys

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to have found you! You can ask anyone, I always say I wish I had kept in contact with you. You were and always will be a great friend.

Anonymous said...

You have been so strong for Neal and you simply amaze me with your courage and loving support. Take Deep breaths and keep taking things a day at a time.
When my mom passed away, I never thought I would get through the day. I didn't understand why she had to die. Faith and a strong support system helped me find my way through the pain. Remember you are not alone and we care for both you and Neal very much. When I was upset I took a metal bat to Steve's punching bag. Not such a good idea since I did put quite a dent in it, but it felt great at the time. So if you need a partner for the batting cage, let me know:) Stay strong and we hope things get better for you both.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Erica. I am glad to hear from you. Sad thing is, I contemplated the batting cages or the driving decision was the batting cages because I could hit the womans softball easier than a small golf ball....that should tell our softball team about how bad my golf game is since my softball skills are so lousy.

Patty McHenry said...

Hi Neal & Michele! I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this. We're all here thinking of you every day. When I was just a baby, my mom had tuberculosis and had to go to the TB Sanitarium (like a long-term care hospital). My whole family was split up and we were all just very young -ages 3, 2 and 9 months.They lost their home in the country and we almost lost our mother, but she made it through and they are 84 years old and still adore each other. Sometimes life just deals us some tough times to see what we're made of. It will strengthen your relationship once you get through it together. Hang in there, it can only get better!


Teresa said...

Michele and Neal:

You are in my thoughts, heart and prayer. Give Neal my love. You are an Angel straight down from heaven for Neal. God is only supposed to give us what we can handle, but I do beg to differ with that. Keep smiling for it is a gift to Neal. Call me for anything. I am sure you don't get much time to email these days. Your life is full of the important things. All our love!

Teresa and John
Kelly and Steve (and Seth)
Brandon, Ryan and Melissa